Instructional Youth Basketball is offered for boys and girls in grades 1st and 2nd. Both grades will be separated with the 1st graders practice being at the Ellsworth Health and Recreation Center followed by the 2nd graders. Practice time will be determined at a later date based off of participation numbers. This program is focused on teaching and developing the fundamentals of the game.
Registration fee is $20.00 for first child and $15.00 for each additional child. Registrations will be accepted after the registration deadline if participant numbers are low. A $5.00 late fee will be charged. Registration Deadline is Friday, November 8th.
***EES and KMS will no longer be distributing forms to each student. If you need a form please see us at the Recreation Department or register online.
Tuesday/Thursday starting on Tuesday, November 19th and ending on Tuesday, December 17th. Practice times will be determined based off of participation numbers, however it will be held after school.
Tennis shoes are needed and a water bottle. Please do not wear flip flops, sandals, or boots.